Car Parks in Liskeard
There are five car parks in Liskeard…
Upper Sungirt Car Park, Sungirt Lane
Westbourne Car Park, West Street
Cattle Market Car Park, Dean Street
Charges apply 7 days a week from 9am-4pm, parking is free overnight.
Upper Sungirt Car Park is short stay only – up to 3 hours and is the only car park to have a 30 minute tariff at £0.60
Westbourne, Cattle Market and Lower Sungirt are long stay with tickets from 1 hour to weekly stays available.
Rapsons is also long stay and is cheaper than the town centre car parks, £3.70 for 24 hours, £9.20 for 1 week.
Coach parking is available at Westbourne and Rapsons.
As with all Cornwall Council car parks, payments can be made using the Just Park app as well as by cash, card, contactless, Apple Pay and Google Pay.