Mystery and History Conference – Port Eliot Estate
May 4

This conference will explore fascinating subject matters of all things unexplained, local history, folk lore and much more. The event will include workshops, talks and presentations focusing on an eclectic mix of topics including UFO phenomena, ghostly tales, local history, archaeology, myths and legends of Cornwall.
Saturday 3rd May Talks:
- ”Arthurian Landscapes from Glastonbury to Tintagel” by Andrew Thompson.
- “Tales of Cornwall: Three Murders and a Suicide” by Simon Dell.
- “The UFO Phenomena” by Chris Evers.
- “A History of the Paranormal” by Dean Fryer from Plymouth Paranormal Group
- “1000 Years of Conflict and Control of the River Fisheries of the Tamar and Tavy” by Dr Sharon Gedye.
- “Dark Cornwall Presents: Exploring Cornwall’s Folklore, Mythology and Modern Inspirations” by Rob Vickery
- “Kassiteros: The oldest Greek and Roman sources on Cornwall and Devon’s Tin Trade” by Ben Sumpter.
- “How to swear like an Elizabethan in Devon” by Todd Gray.
- “The Explanation of Intuition: Psychic Ability in the Modern Age” by Andie Hudson.
- “What on Earth is Geomancy?” by Shaun (Georepairman) with a workshop at Molenick Stone Circle.
- “Fundamentals of Esotericism: The Line of Mithra from Paganism, Wicca and Witches” by Malle.
Sunday 4th May Workshops and Talks:
- “The Iceman: Prehistoric Murder in the Alps” by Andrew Thompson.
- “The Cornish Rebellions and who was Trelawney?” by Simon Dell.
- “Exploring UFOS” by Chris Evers.
- “Beginners Guide to Paranormal Investigation” by Dean Fryer from Plymouth Paranormal
- “A Peep at the Pixies: Examining Anna Eliza Bray’s Writing” by Dr Sharon Gedye.
- “Dragons of the South West: Legends, Variations and Shared Threads” by Rob Vickery
- “Ghosts on the Coast” by Elizabeth Dale and Keith Wallis.
- “Devon’s Last Slave Owners” by Todd Gray.
- “Introduction to Dowsing , Earth Energies and Auras” by Shaun (Georepairman) with a workshop.
- Experiential Workshop with remote viewing by Malle.
- Ancient Monastic Tunnel Tour by Coco Brown.
And more speakers to be announced!
Click on poster for full details.
- Day: £30
- Weekend: £50
- Individual talk/workshop: £10 (available on the door, cash only)
- Camping:
- Tents: 3 nights for £60
- Campervans: 1 night for £30, 2 nights for £60, 3 nights for £80 (no electric hook ups)
To book tickets please visit the Port Eliot website